What's on in the week
Little Treasures

Our Mums/Carers and Babies/Tots group
Tuesdays 1 - 3pm (drop in) during School term time, as featured in Kidsguide East Cheshire. This group is held in the main room of the Church, which is straight through the main front doors and first door on the left.
Tuesdays 1 - 3pm (drop in) during School term time, as featured in Kidsguide East Cheshire. This group is held in the main room of the Church, which is straight through the main front doors and first door on the left.
Our Midweek Meeting NOW ON Tuesdays 7:30pm
contact us on Facebook @elimclcmacc for further details
contact us on Facebook @elimclcmacc for further details

Unless the Lord builds the house, the workers labour in vain. Psalm 127:1

See and hear the scriptures explained and applied for everyday life.
Elim Christian Life Centre, Parsonage Street, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 7GY. An Elim Pentecostal Church Reg. Charity No. 251549